Capital One opened WHAT?!?
Haha I haven’t written a blog since last decade. So, as I was driving down in Glendale, I passed something interesting: a Capital One Cafe. I saw the cafes in their commercials but this whole time I honestly thought they were joking. Most of their recent commercials show the capital one cafes and explain how they are different than other banks. The cafes give banking a different experience and sort of relieves the stress of thinking about all of your money. It’s interesting how they mixed two completely different businesses and were pretty successful in the end.
I personally don’t use Capital One, and their cafes don’t encourage me to want to switch to them. I don’t use banks as much in the first place, but I feel like it’s unnecessary to be served a latte while you deposit or withdraw money. However, I can see why they chose to turn their banks into cafes. For some adults, banking is probably somewhat stressful, as we need money to survive. And if I ran out of money, being in a room with a thick wall of glass between you and a banker and security cameras everywhere would make me even more stressed. By turning a bank into a more relaxed environment, it makes customers more comfortable in stressful situations. For the people who get stressed out in banks, being in a more relaxed and casual environment would probably seem appealing to them. I also noticed when looking at pictures of the banks that there was not much security. It seemed like anyone could just walk in and rob the place. Hopefully they also updated the security and maybe they have a secret button somewhere that alerts the police if someone robs the bank. Another thing I was thinking is that the coffee and cafes really appeal to millennials. In the 21st century, coffee has become a bigger part in American culture. People are flying across the country just to try one coffee shop, and companies like Starbucks have made millions off of it. Millennials, especially ones fresh out of college, spend a lot of time in coffee shops and cafes to study. Now, a bank that has a cafe in it would appeal to the younger generations, as they are familiar with it. I think it was smart of them because younger people don't really know which bank is best and the cafe sort of shouts that Capital One is "cool and hip". All in all, I think the idea is good but for someone like me who’s fine with a normal bank, it’s not very necessary.
I think Capital One’s way of advertising and bringing in new clients is brilliant! Adults have money and they practically live off coffee serve coffee while depositing money sounds pretty good to me. And more teens are getting jobs That take up their time so they have to do their school work late and they have to stay up. If they’re staying up late and they have money then they can go to the bank to get coffee while also putting their hard earned cash into their account. It’s pretty much win win situation.